At this time of year, we can just about live on fruit
One of the first things we noticed when we came to Tasmania, was the abundance of fresh produce. Every season has its specialties, but for me, nothing beats summer with cherries, peaches, apricots, nectarines, raspberries, figs …. just pick them, and eat them.
Traditionally this bounty was preserved and bottled, and a lot of the older folk in our valley still do that. These days a lot of people freeze fruit, others dry, lots of jams and sauces are made, cakes are made and frozen, fruit leathers are made and dried … there is a frenzy of activity.
And we all do our bit by just eating, eating and eating fruit as quickly as it comes off the trees and bushes. Fruit for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in between, never tiring of it, just rejoicing in the indulgence.
At my favourite green grocer yesterday, I grabbed a couple of handfuls of cherries to eat in the car on the way home. I got to speaking to another lady buying cherries, and we agreed that the only good things about the cherry season ending was that the peaches and apricots season had started!
We are so spoilt in Tasmania.