Tag soft adventure

8 Feb

Best Aurora Australis Tasmania at Truffle Lodge

  I was talking to my brother this week. He said that the Aurora Borealis was high on his bucket list.   I suggested that the Aurora Australis was just as good, and far more accessible. You could have knocked me over with a feather when he asked, “What’s that?”   My brother is not […]

6 Sep

Wood Fire Cooking on a Fire Pit – what an experience

  Wood fire cooking on a fire pit is very trendy at the moment. However, it has been part of camping out for forever. Nothing new about that.   What is new is that people now watch cookery shows on TV.  Therefore, wood fired cookery is no longer about simply throwing a sausage on the […]

25 Jul

Forget Africa’s Big 3, meet our Tiny 5 Safari Lodge

Everyone has heard about Africa’s Big 3. Let’s face it, it has been done to death! Ordinary is overrated! Instead delight in the Tiny 5 at Truffle Lodge – platypus, echidna, pademelon, possum and the elusive wombat. The platypus can be seen at any time, but best spotting is morning, evening, or when overcast. The […]

4 Apr

Comparing other Glamping Resorts

I remember the reference to Rum Wadi in the movie Lawrence of Arabia, and I jumped at the chance to go there to stay in a Glamping hotel. Of course, my rationale is that I was benchmarking Truffle Lodge against yet another Glamping retreat, and indeed I was doing that. But just being in that […]

3 Jan

Cool off at ‘The Beach’

We have several deep plungeholes in the river at Truffle Lodge. Guests love to sit on the river deck, dangling their feet in the river, or to totally immerse themselves on the rocky outcrop. But last year, after the floods, we discovered a sandy little beach, which had not previously been evident because it was […]