Luxury hotel unique Tasmania Devil experience
Visiting journalist, Penny Hunter, recently stayed at our luxury hotel and had a unique Tasmania devil experience.
She wrote:
It’s one of the most important rules of camping: always zip up your tent securely when bedding down for the night. You don’t want any undesirable critters sneaking or slithering into your quarters as you sleep. So perhaps I have only myself to blame for the realisation at 5am that no, it’s not possums frolicking in the branches outside that have woken me up. Nor is it a wombat snuffling in the undergrowth around the tent perimeter. There is undeniably something inside my glamping digs at Truffle Lodge in Tasmania’s Derwent Valley. Did I fully zip up the entrance? No, I did not.
My torch beam alights on a furry black bottom and tail vanishing behind the couch. Further investigation reveals a juvenile Tasmanian devil has decided to check in to my canvas-clad castle too. And why not? There’s plenty of room for two, with a generous lounge area scattered with plush cushions and rugs, a kingsize bed warmed by an electric blanket, and an ensuite with deep timber bath ingeniously housed in an attached water tank. But this is not a devil’s natural habitat and an eviction is called for.
As the kookaburras cackle at my PJs stylishly matched with hiking boots (to protect my toes from those gnashers), I hook the canvas door open to create a wide exit. With some gentle encouragement, plus a few insulting remarks about his potent body odour, the little devil scurries out to the deck and into the dark.
Congratulations Derwent Valley — you’ve just delivered the quintessential Tassie experience and the sun isn’t even up yet.
Needless to say, this was the talking point over breakfast.